Fixing [emerg] PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX Error When Installing SSL Certificate

Some weeks ago, I was installing an SSL certificate and when I thought I was finish, NGINX refused to start. I got the error, “nginx: [emerg] PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX(“/usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl/sslcert.crt”…d end line)” after I restarted the web server to make the SSL changes take effect. Of course, your…

How To Move From Blogger To Self-Hosted WordPress

Blogger is decent for some good ol’ free blog hosting, but there might be a time you may consider switching to something better where you have more control. If you choose to switch to WordPress, this guide should help with moving blogger to wordpress. How…

Best Private Custom Domain Email Hosting Services of 2017

After GoDaddy had a major email sending/receiving outage for an entire day and counting, I’ve been helping website and business owners switch to better alternatives. In case others have been searching for good private custom domain email hosting services in 2017, this list should help.…

How To Restore Any Database Using MySQLDumper

MySQLDumper is a great tool for backing up MYSQL databases, however, it’s lacking in features when it comes to deleting and restoring what it has not backed up. A previous guide taught us how to delete databases using MYSQLDumper and this guide will show you…

How To Remove Yellow Background From Adsense Ads

One problem you may encounter when using large Adsense ads is an ugly yellow background when a smaller ad is displayed for the set size advertisement. This issue, as shown in the screenshot below, normally affects WordPress websites and this guide shows you how to…

Good Control Panels for VPS or Dedicated Server

What are Control Panels and why would you want one? A control panel is a graphical way to make changes to the system without needing to dig through the SSH and code to make changes. This can usually make it easier for less technically inclined… contains guides to help webmasters with their websites, from resolving problems to learning how to make a site successful.

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